Tag Archive: Wordpress


Volved.org was developed as a search engine wrapper that would allow users to stay in touch with their favorite cause while also raising revenue for it. You set your browser’s default search engine to Volved. Then when you search, you are transferred to the Volved site which presents results, cause news and ads.

The project was done with WordPress and a custom theme, using PHP, MySQL, Javascript and jQuery.

Unfortunately Volved’s access to Google AdWords was suspended without explanation. We eventually had to give up on the project. This video gives a sense of what the whole thing was about.


Mobile Search for Your Cause

A mobile application using WordPress, PHP, Javascript, the Sencha Touch and PhoneGap for mobile searching that feeds ad revenue to one’s favorite charity.

The app is a wrapper for Google Custom Search. On those occasions when a user clicks an ad in the search results, part of the resulting revenue goes to the cause she chooses. In addition, that organization can keep her informed about its activities via a news feed in the app. Given that we search often, the connection with one’s cause will be much stronger. The app will also allow givers to the same cause to network with each other and invite others to join.

Social Proximity

A local startup was creating a way for people to  casually connect via their mobile devices. Some use cases included flirting at night clubs, games at events and apps for the classroom.

The launch app ran in Android and iPhone. I helped with some UI on this.

I helped with backend systems and the developer program. In a pretty rapid ramp up, I used CakePHP, Mongo DB and Amazon Web Services.

Unfortunately the seed funding ran out. Sigh.


My job at One Economy was to foster the development of public purpose applications. Externally, we started a developer community at ApplicationsForGood.org around four key needs related to poverty in the U.S.

Along with doing the information architecture, I wrote or edited many of the articles and business ideas. A4G was featured in this Huffington Post article.

A4G is intended to help developers and funders discover new markets among low-income people by creating apps that matter in their lives. In 2011, ATT and Papaya Mobile sponsored the first A4G apps contest.

The site was done in WordPress using custom post types for Needs, Solutions and App Catalog.