In the days before wifi in hotels, there was a real need among travellers to somehow connect to email. I worked with a kiosk manager to create a system that allowed payment and metering of kiosk usage in hotels. I used MS Access, Visual Basic and Javascript to control and monitor a credit card reader and currency collector. I also created an email portal that would inter-connect to AOL, Hotmail or whatever server the user desired.
Tag Archive: Access
Kiosk Network Monitor
To manage a network of 100+ commerce kiosks, I created a network management database system with MS Access, Visual Basic and pcAnywhere to track and report on current and past kiosk activity.
I had two projects converge into a single product idea that I called a Viosk. It’s a computer kiosk for customer service than contains a web browser and video conferencing. The customer and a service representative can see each other by video and share the browser window. For the two banks that were interested in this, it allowed helping customers at unmanned branches to complete forms while maintaining a more personable relationship.